
Source Code of


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Date;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.ast.AliasNode;
import org.jruby.ast.AndNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArgsNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArgumentNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArrayNode;
import org.jruby.ast.AttrAssignNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BackRefNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BeginNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BignumNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BlockNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BreakNode;
import org.jruby.ast.CallNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ClassVarAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ClassVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.Colon2Node;
import org.jruby.ast.Colon3Node;
import org.jruby.ast.ConstDeclNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ConstNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DStrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DefinedNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DotNode;
import org.jruby.ast.EvStrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.EnsureNode;
import org.jruby.ast.FCallNode;
import org.jruby.ast.FixnumNode;
import org.jruby.ast.FloatNode;
import org.jruby.ast.GlobalAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.GlobalVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.HashNode;
import org.jruby.ast.IfNode;
import org.jruby.ast.InstAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.InstVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.IterNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ListNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LocalVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.Match2Node;
import org.jruby.ast.Match3Node;
import org.jruby.ast.MatchNode;
import org.jruby.ast.MethodDefNode;
import org.jruby.ast.NewlineNode;
import org.jruby.ast.NextNode;
import org.jruby.ast.Node;
import org.jruby.ast.NodeType;
import org.jruby.ast.NotNode;
import org.jruby.ast.NthRefNode;
import org.jruby.ast.OpAsgnAndNode;
import org.jruby.ast.OpAsgnOrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.OrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.RegexpNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ReturnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.RootNode;
import org.jruby.ast.SClassNode;
import org.jruby.ast.SValueNode;
import org.jruby.ast.SplatNode;
import org.jruby.ast.StrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.SuperNode;
import org.jruby.ast.SymbolNode;
import org.jruby.ast.UndefNode;
import org.jruby.ast.VAliasNode;
import org.jruby.ast.VCallNode;
import org.jruby.ast.WhileNode;
import org.jruby.ast.YieldNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArgsCatNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArgsPushNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BlockPassNode;
import org.jruby.ast.CaseNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ClassNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ClassVarDeclNode;
import org.jruby.ast.Colon2ConstNode;
import org.jruby.ast.Colon2MethodNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DRegexpNode;
import org.jruby.ast.RescueNode;
import org.jruby.ast.RescueBodyNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DXStrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DefsNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ForNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LiteralNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ModuleNode;
import org.jruby.ast.MultipleAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.OpAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.OpElementAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.SelfNode;
import org.jruby.ast.StarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ToAryNode;
import org.jruby.ast.TypedArgumentNode;
import org.jruby.ast.UntilNode;
import org.jruby.ast.WhenNode;
import org.jruby.ast.XStrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ZSuperNode;
import org.jruby.compiler.NotCompilableException;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.BlockBody;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

// This class converts an AST into a bunch of IR instructions

// IR Building Notes
// -----------------
// 1. More copy instructions added than necessary
// ----------------------------------------------
// Note that in general, there will be lots of a = b kind of copies
// introduced in the IR because the translation is entirely single-node focused.
// An example will make this clear
// RUBY:
//     v = @f
// will translate to
// AST:
//     LocalAsgnNode v
//       InstrVarNode f
// will translate to
// IR:
//     tmp = self.f [ GET_FIELD(tmp,self,f) ]
//     v = tmp      [ COPY(v, tmp) ]
// instead of
//     v = self.f   [ GET_FIELD(v, self, f) ]
// We could get smarter and pass in the variable into which this expression is going to get evaluated
// and use that to store the value of the expression (or not build the expression if the variable is null).
// But, that makes the code more complicated, and in any case, all this will get fixed in a single pass of
// copy propagation and dead-code elimination.
// Something to pay attention to and if this extra pass becomes a concern (not convinced that it is yet),
// this smart can be built in here.  Right now, the goal is to do something simple and straightforward that is going to be correct.
// 2. Returning null vs Nil.NIL
// ----------------------------
// - We should be returning null from the build methods where it is a normal "error" condition
// - We should be returning Nil.NIL where the actual return value of a build is the ruby nil operand
//   Look in buildIf for an example of this

public class IRBuilder {
    private static final UnexecutableNil U_NIL = UnexecutableNil.U_NIL;
   private static final Operand[] NO_ARGS = new Operand[]{};

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean isDebug = args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("-debug");
        int     i = isDebug ? 1 : 0;

        String methName = null;
        if (args.length > i && args[i].equals("-inline")) {
           methName = args[i+1];
           i += 2;

        boolean isCommandLineScript = args.length > i && args[i].equals("-e");
        i += (isCommandLineScript ? 1 : 0);

        while (i < args.length) {
           long t1 = new Date().getTime();
           Node ast = buildAST(isCommandLineScript, args[i]);
           long t2 = new Date().getTime();
           IRScope scope = new IRBuilder().buildRoot((RootNode) ast);
           long t3 = new Date().getTime();
           if (isDebug) {
               System.out.println("################## Before local optimization pass ##################");
           long t4 = new Date().getTime();
           if (isDebug) {
               System.out.println("################## After local optimization pass ##################");
           long t5 = new Date().getTime();
//           scope.runCompilerPass(new;
           long t6 = new Date().getTime();

           if (methName != null) {
              System.out.println("################## After inline pass ##################");
              System.out.println("Asked to inline " + methName);

           if (isDebug) {
               System.out.println("################## After dead code elimination pass ##################");
           long t7 = new Date().getTime();
           long t8 = new Date().getTime();
           long t9 = new Date().getTime();
           if (isDebug) {
           if (isDebug) {
               System.out.println("################## After cfg linearization pass ##################");

           System.out.println("Time to build AST         : " + (t2 - t1));
           System.out.println("Time to build IR          : " + (t3 - t2));
           System.out.println("Time to run local opts    : " + (t4 - t3));
           System.out.println("Time to run build cfg     : " + (t5 - t4));
           System.out.println("Time to run build domtree : " + (t6 - t5));
           System.out.println("Time to run lva           : " + (t7 - t6));
           System.out.println("Time to run dead code elim: " + (t8 - t7));
           System.out.println("Time to add frame instrs  : " + (t9 - t8));

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Every ensure block has a start label and end label, and at the end, it will jump
     * to an address stored in a return address variable.
     * This ruby code will translate to the IR shown below
     * -----------------
     *   begin
     *       ... protected body ...
     *   ensure
     *       ... ensure block to run
     *   end
     * -----------------
     *  IR instructions for the protected body
     *  L_start:
     *     .. ensure block IR ...
     *     jump %ret_addr
     *  L_end:
     * -----------------
     * If N is a node in the protected body that might exit this scope (exception rethrows
     * and returns), N has to first jump to the ensure block and let the ensure block run.
     * In addition, N has to set up a return address label in the return address var of
     * this ensure block so that the ensure block can transfer control block to N.
     * Since we can have a nesting of ensure blocks, we are maintaining a stack of these
     * well-nested ensure blocks.  Every node N that will exit this scope will have to
     * co-ordinate the jumps in-and-out of the ensure blocks in the top-to-bottom stacked
     * order.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    private static class EnsureBlockInfo
        Label    start;
        Label    end;
        Variable returnAddr;

        public EnsureBlockInfo(IRScope m)
            returnAddr = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            start      = m.getNewLabel();
            end        = m.getNewLabel();

        public static void emitJumpChain(IRScope m, Stack<EnsureBlockInfo> ebStack)
            // SSS: There are 2 ways of encoding this:
            // 1. Jump to ensure block 1, return back here, jump ensure block 2, return back here, ...
            //    Generates 3*n instrs. where n is the # of ensure blocks to execute
            // 2. Jump to ensure block 1, then to block 2, then to 3, ...
            //    Generates n+1 instrs. where n is the # of ensure blocks to execute
            // Doesn't really matter all that much since we shouldn't have deep nesting of ensure blocks often
            // but is there a reason to go with technique 1 at all??
            int n = ebStack.size();
            EnsureBlockInfo[] ebArray = ebStack.toArray(new EnsureBlockInfo[n]);
            for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                Label retLabel = m.getNewLabel();
                m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebArray[i].returnAddr, retLabel));
                m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebArray[i].start));
                m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(retLabel));

    private int _lastProcessedLineNum = -1;
    private Stack<EnsureBlockInfo> _ensureBlockStack = new Stack<EnsureBlockInfo>();

    // Stack encoding nested rescue blocks -- this just tracks the start label of the blocks
    private Stack<Label> _rescueBlockLabelStack = new Stack<Label>();

    public static Node buildAST(boolean isCommandLineScript, String arg) {
        Ruby ruby = Ruby.getGlobalRuntime();
        if (isCommandLineScript) {
            // inline script
            return ruby.parse(ByteList.create(arg), "-e", null, 0, false);
        } else {
            // from file
            FileInputStream fis = null;
            try {
                File file = new File(arg);
                fis = new FileInputStream(file);
                long size = file.length();
                byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)size];
                System.out.println("-- processing " + arg + " --");
                return ruby.parse(new ByteList(bytes), arg, null, 0, false);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
            } finally {
                try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch(Exception e) { }

    public Node skipOverNewlines(IRScope s, Node n) {
        if (n.getNodeType() == NodeType.NEWLINENODE) {
            // Do not emit multiple line number instrs for the same line
            int currLineNum = n.getPosition().getStartLine();
            if (currLineNum != _lastProcessedLineNum) {
               s.addInstr(new LineNumberInstr(s, currLineNum));
               _lastProcessedLineNum = currLineNum;

        while (n.getNodeType() == NodeType.NEWLINENODE)
            n = ((NewlineNode)n).getNextNode();

        return n;

    public Operand generateJRubyUtilityCall(IRScope m, MethAddr meth, Operand receiver, Operand[] args) {
        Variable ret = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        m.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(ret, meth, receiver, args));
        return ret;

    public Operand build(Node node, IRScope m) {
        if (node == null) {
            return null;
        if (m == null) {
            System.out.println("Got a null scope!");
            throw new NotCompilableException("Unknown node encountered in builder: " + node);
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ALIASNODE: return buildAlias((AliasNode) node, m); // done -- see FIXME
            case ANDNODE: return buildAnd((AndNode) node, m); // done
            case ARGSCATNODE: return buildArgsCat((ArgsCatNode) node, m); // done
            case ARGSPUSHNODE: return buildArgsPush((ArgsPushNode) node, m); // Nothing to do for 1.8
            case ARRAYNODE: return buildArray(node, m); // done
            case ATTRASSIGNNODE: return buildAttrAssign((AttrAssignNode) node, m); // done
            case BACKREFNODE: return buildBackref((BackRefNode) node, m); // done
            case BEGINNODE: return buildBegin((BeginNode) node, m); // done
            case BIGNUMNODE: return buildBignum((BignumNode) node, m); // done
            case BLOCKNODE: return buildBlock((BlockNode) node, m); // done
            case BREAKNODE: return buildBreak((BreakNode) node, (IRExecutionScope)m); // done?
            case CALLNODE: return buildCall((CallNode) node, m); // done
            case CASENODE: return buildCase((CaseNode) node, m); // done
            case CLASSNODE: return buildClass((ClassNode) node, m); // done
            case CLASSVARNODE: return buildClassVar((ClassVarNode) node, m); // done
            case CLASSVARASGNNODE: return buildClassVarAsgn((ClassVarAsgnNode) node, m); // done
            case CLASSVARDECLNODE: return buildClassVarDecl((ClassVarDeclNode) node, m); // done
            case COLON2NODE: return buildColon2((Colon2Node) node, m); // done
            case COLON3NODE: return buildColon3((Colon3Node) node, m); // done
            case CONSTDECLNODE: return buildConstDecl((ConstDeclNode) node, m); // done
            case CONSTNODE: return searchConst(m, ((ConstNode) node).getName()); // done
            case DASGNNODE: return buildDAsgn((DAsgnNode) node, m); // done
            case DEFINEDNODE: return buildDefined(node, m); // SSS FIXME: Incomplete
            case DEFNNODE: return buildDefn((MethodDefNode) node, m); // done
            case DEFSNODE: return buildDefs((DefsNode) node, m); // done
            case DOTNODE: return buildDot((DotNode) node, m); // done
            case DREGEXPNODE: return buildDRegexp((DRegexpNode) node, m); // done
            case DSTRNODE: return buildDStr((DStrNode) node, m); // done
            case DSYMBOLNODE: return buildDSymbol(node, m); // done
            case DVARNODE: return buildDVar((DVarNode) node, m); // done
            case DXSTRNODE: return buildDXStr((DXStrNode) node, m); // done
            case ENSURENODE: return buildEnsureNode(node, m); // done
            case EVSTRNODE: return buildEvStr((EvStrNode) node, m); // done
            case FALSENODE: return buildFalse(node, m); // done
            case FCALLNODE: return buildFCall((FCallNode) node, m); // done
            case FIXNUMNODE: return buildFixnum((FixnumNode) node, m); // done
//            case FLIPNODE: return buildFlip(node, m); // SSS FIXME: What code generates this AST?
            case FLOATNODE: return buildFloat((FloatNode) node, m); // done
            case FORNODE: return buildFor((ForNode) node, (IRExecutionScope)m); // done
            case GLOBALASGNNODE: return buildGlobalAsgn((GlobalAsgnNode) node, m); // done
            case GLOBALVARNODE: return buildGlobalVar((GlobalVarNode) node, m); // done
            case HASHNODE: return buildHash((HashNode) node, m); // done
            case IFNODE: return buildIf((IfNode) node, m); // done
            case INSTASGNNODE: return buildInstAsgn((InstAsgnNode) node, m); // done
            case INSTVARNODE: return buildInstVar((InstVarNode) node, m); // done
            case ITERNODE: return buildIter((IterNode) node, (IRExecutionScope)m); // done
            case LITERALNODE: return buildLiteral((LiteralNode) node, m);
            case LOCALASGNNODE: return buildLocalAsgn((LocalAsgnNode) node, m); // done
            case LOCALVARNODE: return buildLocalVar((LocalVarNode) node, m); // done
            case MATCH2NODE: return buildMatch2((Match2Node) node, m); // done
            case MATCH3NODE: return buildMatch3((Match3Node) node, m); // done
            case MATCHNODE: return buildMatch((MatchNode) node, m); // done
            case MODULENODE: return buildModule((ModuleNode) node, m); // done
            case MULTIPLEASGNNODE: return buildMultipleAsgn((MultipleAsgnNode) node, m); // done
            case NEWLINENODE: return buildNewline((NewlineNode) node, m); // done
            case NEXTNODE: return buildNext((NextNode) node, (IRExecutionScope)m); // done?
            case NTHREFNODE: return buildNthRef((NthRefNode) node, m); // done
            case NILNODE: return buildNil(node, m); // done
            case NOTNODE: return buildNot((NotNode) node, m); // done
            case OPASGNANDNODE: return buildOpAsgnAnd((OpAsgnAndNode) node, m); // done
            case OPASGNNODE: return buildOpAsgn((OpAsgnNode) node, m); // done
            case OPASGNORNODE: return buildOpAsgnOr((OpAsgnOrNode) node, m); // done
            case OPELEMENTASGNNODE: return buildOpElementAsgn(node, m); // done
            case ORNODE: return buildOr((OrNode) node, m); // done
//            case POSTEXENODE: return buildPostExe(node, m); // DEFERRED
//            case PREEXENODE: return buildPreExe(node, m); // DEFERRED
            case REDONODE: return buildRedo(node, (IRExecutionScope)m); // done??
            case REGEXPNODE: return buildRegexp((RegexpNode) node, m); // done
            case RESCUEBODYNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("rescue body is handled by rescue compilation at: " + node.getPosition());
            case RESCUENODE: return buildRescue(node, m); // done
            case RETRYNODE: return buildRetry(node, m); // FIXME: done?
            case RETURNNODE: return buildReturn((ReturnNode) node, m); // done
            case ROOTNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("Use buildRoot(); Root node at: " + node.getPosition());
            case SCLASSNODE: return buildSClass((SClassNode) node, m); // done
            case SELFNODE: return buildSelf((SelfNode) node, m); // done
            case SPLATNODE: return buildSplat((SplatNode) node, m); // done
            case STRNODE: return buildStr((StrNode) node, m); // done
            case SUPERNODE: return buildSuper((SuperNode) node, m); // done
            case SVALUENODE: return buildSValue((SValueNode) node, m); // done
            case SYMBOLNODE: return buildSymbol((SymbolNode) node, m); // done
            case TOARYNODE: return buildToAry((ToAryNode) node, m); // done
            case TRUENODE: return buildTrue(node, m); // done
            case UNDEFNODE: return buildUndef(node, m); // done
            case UNTILNODE: return buildUntil((UntilNode) node, (IRExecutionScope)m); // done
            case VALIASNODE: return buildVAlias(node, m); // done -- see FIXME
            case VCALLNODE: return buildVCall((VCallNode) node, m); // done
            case WHILENODE: return buildWhile((WhileNode) node, (IRExecutionScope)m); // done
            case WHENNODE: assert false : "When nodes are handled by case node compilation."; return null;
            case XSTRNODE: return buildXStr((XStrNode) node, m); // done
            case YIELDNODE: return buildYield((YieldNode) node, m); // done
            case ZARRAYNODE: return buildZArray(node, m); // done
            case ZSUPERNODE: return buildZSuper((ZSuperNode) node, m); // done
            default: new Exception().printStackTrace(); throw new NotCompilableException("Unknown node encountered in builder: " + node.getClass());

    public void buildArguments(List<Operand> args, Node node, IRScope s) {
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ARGSCATNODE: buildArgsCatArguments(args, (ArgsCatNode) node, s); break;
            case ARGSPUSHNODE: buildArgsPushArguments(args, (ArgsPushNode) node, s); break;
            case ARRAYNODE: buildArrayArguments(args, node, s); break;
            case SPLATNODE: buildSplatArguments(args, (SplatNode) node, s); break;
                Operand retVal = build(node, s);
                if (retVal != null)    // SSS FIXME: Can this ever be null?
    public void buildVariableArityArguments(List<Operand> args, Node node, IRScope s) {
       buildArguments(args, node, s);

    public void buildSpecificArityArguments (List<Operand> args, Node node, IRScope s) {
        if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.ARRAYNODE) {
            ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode)node;
            if (arrayNode.isLightweight()) {
                // explode array, it's an internal "args" array
                for (Node n : arrayNode.childNodes())
                    args.add(build(n, s));
            } else {
                // use array as-is, it's a literal array
                args.add(build(arrayNode, s));
        } else {
            args.add(build(node, s));

    public List<Operand> setupCallArgs(Node args, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> argsList = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        if (args != null) {
           // unwrap newline nodes to get their actual type
           args = skipOverNewlines(s, args);
           buildArgs(argsList, args, s);

        return argsList;

    public void buildArgs(List<Operand> argsList, Node args, IRScope s) {
        switch (args.getNodeType()) {
            case ARGSCATNODE:
            case ARGSPUSHNODE:
            case SPLATNODE:
                buildVariableArityArguments(argsList, args, s);
            case ARRAYNODE:
                ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode)args;
                // ENEBO: This is not right.  ArrayNode is not just for boxing
//                if (arrayNode.size() > 3)
//                    buildVariableArityArguments(argsList, arrayNode, s);
//                else if (arrayNode.size() > 0)
                    buildSpecificArityArguments(argsList, arrayNode, s);
                buildSpecificArityArguments(argsList, args, s);

    // This method is called to build assignments for a multiple-assignment instruction
    public void buildAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, Operand values, int argIndex, boolean isSplat) {
        Variable v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new GetArrayInstr(v, values, argIndex, isSplat));
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ATTRASSIGNNODE:
                buildAttrAssignAssignment(node, s, v);
            // SSS FIXME: What is the difference between ClassVarAsgnNode & ClassVarDeclNode
            case CLASSVARASGNNODE:
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(MetaObject.create(s).getNearestClass(), ((ClassVarAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case CLASSVARDECLNODE:
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(MetaObject.create(s).getNearestClass(), ((ClassVarDeclNode)node).getName(), v));
            case CONSTDECLNODE:
                buildConstDeclAssignment((ConstDeclNode) node, s, v);
            case DASGNNODE: {
                DAsgnNode variable = (DAsgnNode) node;
                int depth = variable.getDepth();
                // SSS FIXME: Isn't it sufficient to use "getLocalVariable(variable.getName())"?
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(getScopeNDown(s, depth).getLocalVariable(variable.getName()), v));
            case GLOBALASGNNODE:
                s.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr(((GlobalAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case INSTASGNNODE:
                // NOTE: if 's' happens to the a class, this is effectively an assignment of a class instance variable
                s.addInstr(new PutFieldInstr(getSelf(s), ((InstAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case LOCALASGNNODE: {
                LocalAsgnNode localVariable = (LocalAsgnNode) node;
                int depth = localVariable.getDepth();
                // SSS FIXME: Isn't it sufficient to use "getLocalVariable(variable.getName())"?
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(getScopeNDown(s, depth).getLocalVariable(localVariable.getName()), v));
            case MULTIPLEASGNNODE:
                buildMultipleAsgnAssignment((MultipleAsgnNode) node, s, v);
            case ZEROARGNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("Shouldn't get here; zeroarg does not do assignment: " + node);
                throw new NotCompilableException("Can't build assignment node: " + node);

    // This method is called to build arguments for a block!
    public void buildBlockArgsAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, int argIndex, boolean isSplat) {
        Variable v;
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ATTRASSIGNNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
                buildAttrAssignAssignment(node, s, v);
// There are also differences in variable scoping between 1.8 and 1.9
// Ruby 1.8 is the buggy semantics if I understand correctly.
// The semantics of how this shadows other variables outside the block needs
// to be figured out during live var analysis.
            case DASGNNODE: {
                DAsgnNode dynamicAsgn = (DAsgnNode) node;
                // SSS FIXME: Isn't it sufficient to use "getLocalVariable(variable.getName())"?
                v = getScopeNDown(s, dynamicAsgn.getDepth()).getLocalVariable(dynamicAsgn.getName());
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
            // SSS FIXME: What is the difference between ClassVarAsgnNode & ClassVarDeclNode
            case CLASSVARASGNNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(MetaObject.create(s).getNearestClass(), ((ClassVarAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case CLASSVARDECLNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(MetaObject.create(s).getNearestClass(), ((ClassVarDeclNode)node).getName(), v));
            case CONSTDECLNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
                buildConstDeclAssignment((ConstDeclNode) node, s, v);
            case GLOBALASGNNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
                s.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr(((GlobalAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case INSTASGNNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
                // NOTE: if 's' happens to the a class, this is effectively an assignment of a class instance variable
                s.addInstr(new PutFieldInstr(getSelf(s), ((InstAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case LOCALASGNNODE: {
                LocalAsgnNode localVariable = (LocalAsgnNode) node;
                int depth = localVariable.getDepth();
                // SSS FIXME: Isn't it sufficient to use "getLocalVariable(variable.getName())"?
                v = getScopeNDown(s, depth).getLocalVariable(localVariable.getName());
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
            case MULTIPLEASGNNODE:
                // SSS FIXME: Are we guaranteed that we splats dont head to multiple-assignment nodes!  i.e. |*(a,b)|?
                buildMultipleAsgnAssignment((MultipleAsgnNode) node, s, null);
            case ZEROARGNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("Shouldn't get here; zeroarg does not do assignment: " + node);
                throw new NotCompilableException("Can't build assignment node: " + node);

    // SSS FIXME: Got a little lazy?  We could/should define a special instruction ALIAS_METHOD_Instr probably
    // Is this a ruby-internals or a jruby-internals call?
    public Operand buildAlias(final AliasNode alias, IRScope s) {
        Operand newName = build(alias.getNewName(), s);
        Operand oldName = build(alias.getOldName(), s);
        Operand[] args = new Operand[] { newName, oldName };
        s.addInstr(new RubyInternalCallInstr(null, MethAddr.DEFINE_ALIAS, MetaObject.create(s), args));
        return Nil.NIL;

    // Translate "ret = (a && b)" --> "ret = (a ? b : false)" -->
    //    v1 = -- build(a) --
    //       OPT: ret can be set to v1, but effectively v1 is false if we take the branch to L.
    //            while this info can be inferred by using attributes, why bother if we can do this?
    //    ret = false  
    //    beq(v1, false, L)
    //    v2 = -- build(b) --
    //    ret = v2
    // L:
    public Operand buildAnd(final AndNode andNode, IRScope m) {
        if (andNode.getFirstNode().getNodeType().alwaysTrue()) {
            // build first node (and ignore its result) and then second node
            build(andNode.getFirstNode(), m);
            return build(andNode.getSecondNode(), m);
        } else if (andNode.getFirstNode().getNodeType().alwaysFalse()) {
            // build first node only and return false
            build(andNode.getFirstNode(), m);
            return BooleanLiteral.FALSE;
        } else {
            Variable ret = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            Label    l   = m.getNewLabel();
            Operand  v1  = build(andNode.getFirstNode(), m);
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, BooleanLiteral.FALSE));
            m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(v1, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, l));
            Operand  v2  = build(andNode.getSecondNode(), m);
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, v2));
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));
            return ret;

    public Operand buildArray(Node node, IRScope m) {
        List<Operand> elts = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        for (Node e: node.childNodes())
            elts.add(build(e, m));

        return new Array(elts);

    public Operand buildArgsCat(final ArgsCatNode argsCatNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand v1 = build(argsCatNode.getFirstNode(), s);
        Operand v2 = build(argsCatNode.getSecondNode(), s);
        return new CompoundArray(v1, v2);

    public Operand buildArgsPush(final ArgsPushNode node, IRScope m) {
        throw new NotCompilableException("ArgsPush should never be encountered bare in 1.8");

    private Operand buildAttrAssign(final AttrAssignNode attrAssignNode, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> args = setupCallArgs(attrAssignNode.getArgsNode(), s);
        Operand obj = build(attrAssignNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new AttrAssignInstr(obj, new StringLiteral(attrAssignNode.getName()), args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()])));
        return args.get(args.size()-1);

    public Operand buildAttrAssignAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, Operand value) {
        final AttrAssignNode attrAssignNode = (AttrAssignNode) node;
        List<Operand> args = setupCallArgs(attrAssignNode.getArgsNode(), s);
        Operand obj = build(attrAssignNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new AttrAssignInstr(obj, new StringLiteral(attrAssignNode.getName()), args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), value));
        return value;

    public Operand buildBackref(BackRefNode node, IRScope m) {
        return new Backref(node.getType());

    public Operand buildBegin(BeginNode beginNode, IRScope s) {
        return build(beginNode.getBodyNode(), s);

    public Operand buildBignum(BignumNode node, IRScope s) {
        return new Fixnum(node.getValue());

    public Operand buildBlock(BlockNode node, IRScope s) {
        Operand retVal = null;
        for (Node child : node.childNodes()) {
            retVal = build(child, s);
           // Value of the last expression in the block
        return retVal;

    public Operand buildBreak(BreakNode breakNode, IRExecutionScope s) {
        Operand rv = build(breakNode.getValueNode(), s);
        // SSS FIXME: If we are not in a closure or a loop, the break instruction will throw a runtime exception
        // Since we know this right now, should we build an exception instruction here?
        if ((s instanceof IRClosure) || s.getCurrentLoop() == null) {
            s.addInstr(new BREAK_Instr(rv));
            return rv;
        else {
            // If this is not a closure, the break is equivalent to jumping to the loop end label
            // But, since break can return a result even in loops, we need to pass back both
            // the return value as well as the jump target -- so, create a special-purpose operand just for that purpose!
            return new BreakResult(rv, s.getCurrentLoop().loopEndLabel);

    public Operand buildCall(CallNode callNode, IRScope s) {
        Node          callArgsNode = callNode.getArgsNode();
        Node          receiverNode = callNode.getReceiverNode();
        // Though you might be tempted to move this build into the CallInstr as:
        //    new Callinstr( ... , build(receiverNode, s), ...)
        // that is incorrect IR because the receiver has to be built *before* call arguments are built
        // to preserve expected code execution order
        Operand       receiver     = build(receiverNode, s);
        List<Operand> args         = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode, s);
        Operand       block        = setupCallClosure(callNode.getIterNode(), s);
        Variable      callResult   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Instr      callInstr    = new CallInstr(callResult, new MethAddr(callNode.getName()), receiver, args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block);
        return callResult;

    public Operand buildCase(CaseNode caseNode, IRScope m) {
        // get the incoming case value
        Operand value = build(caseNode.getCaseNode(), m);

        // This is for handling case statements without a value (see example below)
        //   case
        //     when true <blah>
        //     when false <blah>
        //   end
        if (value == null) value = BooleanLiteral.TRUE;

        // the CASE instruction
        Label     endLabel  = m.getNewLabel();
        boolean   hasElse   = (caseNode.getElseNode() != null);
        Label     elseLabel = hasElse ? m.getNewLabel() : null;
        Variable  result    = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        CaseInstr caseInstr = new CaseInstr(result, value, endLabel);

        // lists to aggregate variables and bodies for whens
        List<Operand> variables = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        List<Label> labels = new ArrayList<Label>();

        Map<Label, Node> bodies = new HashMap<Label, Node>();

        // build each "when"
        for (Node aCase : caseNode.getCases().childNodes()) {
            WhenNode whenNode = (WhenNode)aCase;
            Label bodyLabel = m.getNewLabel();

            if (whenNode.getExpressionNodes() instanceof ListNode) {
                // multiple conditions for when
                for (Node expression : ((ListNode)whenNode.getExpressionNodes()).childNodes()) {
                    Variable eqqResult = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();

                    m.addInstr(new EQQInstr(eqqResult, build(expression, m), value));
                    m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(eqqResult, BooleanLiteral.TRUE, bodyLabel));
            } else {
                Variable eqqResult = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();


                m.addInstr(new EQQInstr(eqqResult, build(whenNode.getExpressionNodes(), m), value));
                m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(eqqResult, BooleanLiteral.TRUE, bodyLabel));

            // SSS FIXME: This doesn't preserve original order of when clauses.  We could consider
            // preserving the order (or maybe not, since we would have to sort the constants first
            // in any case) for outputing jump tables in certain situations.
            // add body to map for emitting later
            bodies.put(bodyLabel, whenNode.getBodyNode());

        // Jump to else or the end in case nothing matches!
        m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(hasElse ? elseLabel : endLabel));

        // build "else" if it exists
        if (hasElse) {
            bodies.put(elseLabel, caseNode.getElseNode());

        // now emit bodies
        for (Map.Entry<Label, Node> entry : bodies.entrySet()) {
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(entry.getKey()));
            Operand bodyValue = build(entry.getValue(), m);
            // bodyValue can be null if the body ends with a return!
            if (bodyValue != null) {
               // Local optimization of break results (followed by a copy & jump) to short-circuit the jump right away
               // rather than wait to do it during an optimization pass when a dead jump needs to be removed.
               Label tgt = endLabel;
               if (bodyValue instanceof BreakResult) {
                   BreakResult br = (BreakResult)bodyValue;
                   bodyValue = br._result;
                   tgt = br._jumpTarget;
               m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, bodyValue));
               m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(tgt));

        // close it out
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(endLabel));

        return result;

     * Build a new class and add it to the current scope (s).
    public Operand buildClass(ClassNode classNode, IRScope s) {
        Node superNode = classNode.getSuperNode();
        Colon3Node cpath = classNode.getCPath();
        Operand superClass = (superNode == null) ? MetaObject.create(IRClass.getCoreClass("Object")) : build(superNode, s);
        String className = cpath.getName();
        Operand container = getContainerFromCPath(cpath, s);

        IRClass c = new IRClass(s, container, superClass, className, classNode.getScope());
        ClassMetaObject cmo = (ClassMetaObject) MetaObject.create(c);
        s.getNearestModule().getRootMethod().addInstr(new DefineClassInstr(cmo, c.superClass));

        build(classNode.getBodyNode(), c.getRootMethod());

        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildSClass(SClassNode sclassNode, IRScope s) {
        //  class Foo
        //  ...
        //    class << self
        //    ...
        //    end
        //  ...
        //  end
        // Here, the class << self declaration is in Foo's root method.
        // Foo is the class in whose context this is being defined.
        Operand receiver = build(sclassNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        IRClass mc = new IRMetaClass(s, receiver, sclassNode.getScope());

        // Record the new class as being lexically defined in scope s
        ClassMetaObject cmo = (ClassMetaObject)MetaObject.create(mc);
        s.getNearestModule().getRootMethod().addInstr(new DefineClassInstr(cmo, mc.superClass));

        build(sclassNode.getBodyNode(), mc.getRootMethod());

        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildClassVar(ClassVarNode node, IRScope s) {
        Variable ret = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new GetClassVariableInstr(ret, MetaObject.create(s).getNearestClass(), node.getName()));
        return ret;

    // SSS FIXME: Where is this set up?  How is this diff from ClassVarDeclNode??
    public Operand buildClassVarAsgn(final ClassVarAsgnNode classVarAsgnNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand val = build(classVarAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(MetaObject.create(s).getNearestClass(), classVarAsgnNode.getName(), val));
        return val;

    public Operand buildClassVarDecl(final ClassVarDeclNode classVarDeclNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand val = build(classVarDeclNode.getValueNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(MetaObject.create(s).getNearestClass(), classVarDeclNode.getName(), val));
        return val;

    public Operand buildConstDecl(ConstDeclNode node, IRScope s) {
        Operand val = build(node.getValueNode(), s);
        return buildConstDeclAssignment(node, s, val);

    public Operand buildConstDeclAssignment(ConstDeclNode constDeclNode, IRScope s, Operand val) {
        Node constNode = constDeclNode.getConstNode();

        if (constNode == null) {
            // SSS FIXME: Shouldn't we be adding a put const instr. here?
            s.getNearestModule().setConstantValue(constDeclNode.getName(), val);
            s.getNearestModule().getRootMethod().addInstr(new PutConstInstr(s.getNearestModule(), constDeclNode.getName(), val));
        } else if (constNode.getNodeType() == NodeType.COLON2NODE) {
            Operand module = build(((Colon2Node) constNode).getLeftNode(), s);
            s.addInstr(new PutConstInstr(module, constDeclNode.getName(), val));
        } else { // colon3, assign in Object
            s.addInstr(new PutConstInstr(getSelf(s), constDeclNode.getName(), val));

        return val;

    private Operand searchConst(IRScope s, String name) {
        Variable v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new SearchConstInstr(v, s, name));
        return v;

    public Operand buildColon2(final Colon2Node iVisited, IRScope s) {
        Node leftNode = iVisited.getLeftNode();
        final String name = iVisited.getName();

        // ENEBO: Does this really happen?
        if (leftNode == null) return searchConst(s, name);

        if (iVisited instanceof Colon2ConstNode) {
            // 1. Load the module first (lhs of node)
            // 2. Then load the constant from the module
            Operand module = build(iVisited.getLeftNode(), s);
            if (module instanceof MetaObject) module = MetaObject.create(((MetaObject)module).scope);
            Variable constVal = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            s.addInstr(new GetConstInstr(constVal, module, name));
            return constVal;
        } else if (iVisited instanceof Colon2MethodNode) {
            Colon2MethodNode c2mNode = (Colon2MethodNode)iVisited;
            List<Operand> args       = setupCallArgs(null, s);
            Operand       block      = setupCallClosure(null, s);
            Variable      callResult = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            Instr      callInstr  = new CallInstr(callResult, new MethAddr(c2mNode.getName()),
                    null, args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block);
            return callResult;
        else { throw new NotCompilableException("Not compilable: " + iVisited); }

    public Operand buildColon3(Colon3Node node, IRScope s) {
        Variable cv = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        // SSS FIXME: Is this correct?
        s.addInstr(new SearchConstInstr(cv, getSelf(s), node.getName()));
        return cv;

    interface CodeBlock {
        public Object run(Object[] args);

    private Object[] protectCodeWithEnsure(IRScope m, CodeBlock protectedCode, Object[] protectedCodeArgs, CodeBlock ensureCode, Object[] ensureCodeArgs) {
        // This effectively mimics a begin-ensure-end code block
        // Except this silently swallows all exceptions raised by the protected code

        // Push a new ensure block info node onto the stack of ensure block
        EnsureBlockInfo ebi = new EnsureBlockInfo(m);
        Label rBeginLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rEndLabel   = ebi.end;
        List<Label> rescueLabels = new ArrayList<Label>() { };

        // Protected region code
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rBeginLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(rBeginLabel, rEndLabel, rescueLabels));
        Object v1 =; // YIELD: Run the protected code block
        m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, rEndLabel));


        // Ensure block code
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(ebi.start));
        Object v2 =; // YIELD: Run the ensure code block
        m.addInstr(new JUMP_INDIRECT_Instr(ebi.returnAddr));

        // By moving the exception region end marker here to include the ensure block,
        // we effectively swallow those exceptions -- but we will end up trying to rerun the ensure code again!
        // SSS FIXME: Wont this get us stuck in an infinite loop?
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr());

        // Rescue block code
        // SSS FIXME: How do we get this to catch all exceptions, not just Ruby exceptions?
        Label dummyRescueBlockLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(dummyRescueBlockLabel));
        m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, ebi.end));
        m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebi.start));

        // End
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rEndLabel));

        // SSS FIXME: Is this correct?  Shoudln't we be copying v1 & v2 into an variable and returning that instead?
        return new Object[] { v1, v2 };

    private Operand protectCodeWithRescue(IRScope m, CodeBlock protectedCode, Object[] protectedCodeArgs, CodeBlock rescueBlock, Object[] rescueBlockArgs) {
        // This effectively mimics a begin-rescue-end code block
        // Except this catches all exceptions raised by the protected code

        Variable rv = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Label rBeginLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rEndLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        List<Label> rescueLabels = new ArrayList<Label>() { };

        // Protected region code
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rBeginLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(rBeginLabel, rEndLabel, rescueLabels));
        Object v1 =; // YIELD: Run the protected code block
        m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, (Operand)v1));
        m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(rEndLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr());

        // Rescue code
        Label rbLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rbLabel));
        Object v2 =; // YIELD: Run the protected code block
        if (v2 != null) m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, (Operand)v1));

        // End
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rEndLabel));

        return rv;

    public Operand buildGetDefinitionBase(final Node node, IRScope m) {
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
        case CONSTDECLNODE:
        case DASGNNODE:
        case GLOBALASGNNODE:
        case LOCALASGNNODE:
        case OPASGNNODE:
        case DVARNODE:
        case FALSENODE:
        case TRUENODE:
        case LOCALVARNODE:
        case INSTVARNODE:
        case BACKREFNODE:
        case SELFNODE:
        case VCALLNODE:
        case YIELDNODE:
        case GLOBALVARNODE:
        case CONSTNODE:
        case FCALLNODE:
        case CLASSVARNODE:
            // these are all "simple" cases that don't require the heavier defined logic
            return buildGetDefinition(node, m);

            m.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(null, MethAddr.SET_WITHIN_DEFINED, null, new Operand[]{BooleanLiteral.TRUE}));

            // Protected code
            CodeBlock protectedCode = new CodeBlock() {
                public Object run(Object[] args) {
                   return buildGetDefinition((Node)args[0], (IRScope)args[1]);

            // Ensure code
            CodeBlock ensureCode = new CodeBlock() {
                public Object run(Object[] args) {
                    IRScope m = (IRScope)args[0];
                    m.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(null, MethAddr.SET_WITHIN_DEFINED, null, new Operand[]{BooleanLiteral.FALSE}));
                    return null;

            Object[] rvs = protectCodeWithEnsure(m, protectedCode, new Object[] {node, m}, ensureCode, new Object[] {m});
            return (Operand)rvs[0];

    public Operand buildDefined(final Node node, IRScope m) {
        return buildGetDefinitionBase(((DefinedNode) node).getExpressionNode(), m);

    public Operand buildGetArgumentDefinition(final Node node, IRScope m, String type) {
        if (node == null) {
            return new StringLiteral(type);
        } else {
            Label failLabel = m.getNewLabel();
            Label doneLabel = m.getNewLabel();
            Variable rv = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            if (node instanceof ArrayNode) {
                for (int i = 0; i < ((ArrayNode) node).size(); i++) {
                    Node iterNode = ((ArrayNode) node).get(i);
                    Operand def = buildGetDefinition(iterNode, m);
                    m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(def, Nil.NIL, failLabel));
            } else {
                Operand def = buildGetDefinition(node, m);
                m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(def, Nil.NIL, failLabel));
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, new StringLiteral(type)));
            m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(doneLabel));
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(failLabel));
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, Nil.NIL));
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(doneLabel));
            return rv;

    private void buildDefinitionCheck(IRScope s, Variable tmpVar, String definedReturnValue) {
        Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
        Label defLabel   = s.getNewLabel();
        s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(tmpVar, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, undefLabel));
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, new StringLiteral(definedReturnValue)));
        s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(defLabel));
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(undefLabel));
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, Nil.NIL));
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(defLabel));

    public Operand buildGetDefinition(final Node node, IRScope s) {
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case CLASSVARASGNNODE:
            case CLASSVARDECLNODE:
            case CONSTDECLNODE:
            case DASGNNODE:
            case GLOBALASGNNODE:
            case LOCALASGNNODE:
            case MULTIPLEASGNNODE:
            case OPASGNNODE:
            case OPASGNANDNODE:
            case OPASGNORNODE:
            case OPELEMENTASGNNODE:
            case INSTASGNNODE: // simple assignment cases
                return new StringLiteral("assignment");
            case DVARNODE: 
                return new StringLiteral("local-variable(in-block)");
            case FALSENODE:
                return new StringLiteral("false");
            case TRUENODE:
                return new StringLiteral("true");
            case LOCALVARNODE:
                return new StringLiteral("local-variable");
            case MATCH2NODE:
            case MATCH3NODE:
                return new StringLiteral("method");
            case NILNODE:
                return new StringLiteral("nil");
            case SELFNODE:
                return new StringLiteral("self");
            case VCALLNODE:
                Variable tmp = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmp, new MethAddr("getMetaClass"), getSelf(s), NO_ARGS));

                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                StringLiteral mName = new StringLiteral(((VCallNode) node).getName());
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("isMethodBound"), tmp, new Operand[]{mName, BooleanLiteral.FALSE}));
                buildDefinitionCheck(s, tmpVar, "method");
                return tmpVar;
            case CONSTNODE:
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                StringLiteral mName = new StringLiteral(((ConstNode) node).getName());
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("threadContext_getConstantDefined"), null, new Operand[]{mName}));
                buildDefinitionCheck(s, tmpVar, "constant");
                return tmpVar;
            case GLOBALVARNODE:
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                StringLiteral mName = new StringLiteral(((GlobalVarNode) node).getName());
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("runtime_isGlobalDefined"), null, new Operand[]{mName}));
                buildDefinitionCheck(s, tmpVar, "global-variable");
                return tmpVar;
            case INSTVARNODE:
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                StringLiteral mName = new StringLiteral(((GlobalVarNode) node).getName());
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("self_hasInstanceVariable"), getSelf(s), new Operand[]{mName}));
                buildDefinitionCheck(s, tmpVar, "instance-variable");
                return tmpVar;
            case YIELDNODE:
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("block_isGiven"), null, NO_ARGS));
                buildDefinitionCheck(s, tmpVar, "yield");
                return tmpVar;
            case FCALLNODE:
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("getMetaClass"), getSelf(s), NO_ARGS));
                Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Label defLabel   = s.getNewLabel();
                StringLiteral mName = new StringLiteral(((FCallNode)node).getName());
                Instr callInstr  = new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("isMethodBound"), tmpVar, new Operand[]{mName, BooleanLiteral.FALSE});
                s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(tmpVar, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, undefLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, buildGetArgumentDefinition(((FCallNode) node).getArgsNode(), s, "method")));
                s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(defLabel));
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(undefLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, Nil.NIL));
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(defLabel));
                return tmpVar;
            case COLON3NODE:
            case COLON2NODE:
                final Colon3Node iVisited = (Colon3Node) node;
                final String name = iVisited.getName();

                // store previous exception for restoration if we rescue something
                Variable errInfo = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(errInfo, new MethAddr("threadContext_stashErrInfo"), null, NO_ARGS));

                CodeBlock protectedCode = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Object run(Object[] args) {
                        IRScope  m      = (IRScope)args[0];
                        Node     n      = (Node)args[1];
                        String   name   = (String)args[2];
                        Variable tmpVar = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                        Operand v;
                        if (n instanceof Colon2Node) {
                            v = build(((Colon2Node) n).getLeftNode(), m);
                        } else {
                            m.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("runtime_getObject"), null, NO_ARGS));
                            v = tmpVar;
                        m.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("getDefinedConstantOrBoundMethod"), null, new Operand[]{v, new StringLiteral(name)}));
                        return tmpVar;

                // rescue block
                CodeBlock rescueBlock = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Object run(Object[] args) {
                        // Nothing to do -- ignore the exception, and restore stashed error info!
                        // SSS FIXME: Is this correct?  Or, do we compare against a specific exception type?
                        IRScope  m  = (IRScope)args[0];
                        m.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(null, new MethAddr("threadContext_restoreErrInfo"), null, new Operand[]{(Variable)args[1]}));
                        return Nil.NIL;

                return protectCodeWithRescue(s, protectedCode, new Object[]{s, iVisited, name}, rescueBlock, new Object[] {s, errInfo});
                throw new NotCompilableException(node + " is not yet IR-compilable in buildGetDefinition.");
*  SSS FIXME: To be completed
            case CALLNODE:
                final CallNode iVisited = (CallNode) node;
                Object isnull = m.getNewEnding();
                Object ending = m.getNewEnding();
                buildGetDefinition(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), m);

                m.rescue(new BranchCallback() {

                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                build(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), m,true); //[IRubyObject]
                                m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[IRubyObject, IRubyObject]
                                m.metaclass(); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass]
                                m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, RubyClass]
                                m.getVisibilityFor(iVisited.getName()); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, Visibility]
                                m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, Visibility, Visibility]
                                final Object isfalse = m.getNewEnding();
                                Object isreal = m.getNewEnding();
                                Object ending = m.getNewEnding();
                                m.isPrivate(isfalse, 3); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, Visibility]
                                m.isNotProtected(isreal, 1); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass]
                                m.selfIsKindOf(isreal); //[IRubyObject]
                                m.setEnding(isreal); //[]

                                m.isMethodBound(iVisited.getName(), new BranchCallback() {

                                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                                buildGetArgumentDefinition(iVisited.getArgsNode(), m, "method");
                                        new BranchCallback() {

                                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                        }, JumpException.class,
                        new BranchCallback() {

                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                        }, String.class);

                //          m.swapValues();
            case BACKREFNODE:
                    // SSS FIXME!
                Operand x = m.backref();
                return x instanceof RubyMatchData.class ? new StringLiteral("$" + ((BackRefNode) node).getType()) : Nil.NIL;
            case NTHREFNODE:
                m.isCaptured(((NthRefNode) node).getMatchNumber(),
                        new BranchCallback() {
                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                return new StringLiteral("$" + ((NthRefNode) node).getMatchNumber());
                        new BranchCallback() {
                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                return Nil.NIL;
            case CLASSVARNODE:
                    ClassVarNode iVisited = (ClassVarNode) node;
                    final Object ending = m.getNewEnding();
                    final Object failure = m.getNewEnding();
                    final Object singleton = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object second = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object third = m.getNewEnding();

                    m.loadCurrentModule(); //[RubyClass]
                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[RubyClass, RubyClass]
                    m.ifNotNull(second); //[RubyClass]
                    m.consumeCurrentValue(); //[]
                    m.loadSelf(); //[self]
                    m.metaclass(); //[RubyClass]
                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[RubyClass, RubyClass]
                            new BranchCallback() {

                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                    Operand sl = new StringLiteral("class variable");
                            new BranchCallback() {

                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                    m.setEnding(second);  //[RubyClass]
                            new BranchCallback() {

                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                    Operand sl = new StringLiteral("class variable");
                            new BranchCallback() {

                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                    m.setEnding(third); //[RubyClass]
                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[RubyClass, RubyClass]
                    m.ifSingleton(singleton); //[RubyClass]
                    m.notIsModuleAndClassVarDefined(iVisited.getName(), failure); //[]
                    Operand sl = new StringLiteral("class variable");
            case ZSUPERNODE:
                    Object fail = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object fail2 = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object fail_easy = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object ending = m.getNewEnding();

                    m.getFrameName(); //[String]
                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[String, String]
                    m.ifNull(fail); //[String]
                    m.getFrameKlazz(); //[String, RubyClass]
                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[String, RubyClass, RubyClass]
                    m.ifNull(fail2); //[String, RubyClass]

                    Operand sl = new StringLiteral("super");

            case SUPERNODE:
                    Object fail = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object fail2 = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object fail_easy = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object ending = m.getNewEnding();

                    m.getFrameName(); //[String]
                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[String, String]
                    m.ifNull(fail); //[String]
                    m.getFrameKlazz(); //[String, RubyClass]
                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[String, RubyClass, RubyClass]
                    m.ifNull(fail2); //[String, RubyClass]

                    buildGetArgumentDefinition(((SuperNode) node).getArgsNode(), m, "super");

            case ATTRASSIGNNODE:
                    final AttrAssignNode iVisited = (AttrAssignNode) node;
                    Object isnull = m.getNewEnding();
                    Object ending = m.getNewEnding();
                    buildGetDefinition(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), m);

                    m.rescue(new BranchCallback() {

                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                    build(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), m,true); //[IRubyObject]
                                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[IRubyObject, IRubyObject]
                                    m.metaclass(); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass]
                                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, RubyClass]
                                    m.getVisibilityFor(iVisited.getName()); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, Visibility]
                                    m.duplicateCurrentValue(); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, Visibility, Visibility]
                                    final Object isfalse = m.getNewEnding();
                                    Object isreal = m.getNewEnding();
                                    Object ending = m.getNewEnding();
                                    m.isPrivate(isfalse, 3); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass, Visibility]
                                    m.isNotProtected(isreal, 1); //[IRubyObject, RubyClass]
                                    m.selfIsKindOf(isreal); //[IRubyObject]
                                    m.setEnding(isreal); //[]

                                    m.isMethodBound(iVisited.getName(), new BranchCallback() {

                                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                                    buildGetArgumentDefinition(iVisited.getArgsNode(), m, "assignment");
                                            new BranchCallback() {

                                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                            }, JumpException.class,
                            new BranchCallback() {

                                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                            }, String.class);

                m.rescue(new BranchCallback() {

                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                                build(node, m,true);
                        }, JumpException.class,
                        new BranchCallback() {

                            public void branch(IRScope m) {
                        }, String.class);
                //MPS_FIXME: new StringLiteral("expression");

    public Operand buildDAsgn(final DAsgnNode dasgnNode, IRScope s) {
        // SSS: Looks like we receive the arg in buildBlockArgsAssignment via the IterNode
        // We won't get here for argument receives!  So, buildDasgn is called for
        // assignments to block variables within a block.  As far as the IR is concerned,
        // this is just a simple copy
        int depth = dasgnNode.getDepth();
        // SSS FIXME: Isn't it sufficient to use "getLocalVariable(variable.getName())"?
        Variable arg = getScopeNDown(s, depth).getLocalVariable(dasgnNode.getName());
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(arg, build(dasgnNode.getValueNode(), s)));
        return arg;
    // ENEBO: On IRScope?
    private IRScope getScopeNDown(IRScope current, int depth) {
        for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
        return current;

    private IRMethod defineNewMethod(MethodDefNode defNode, IRScope s, Operand container, boolean isInstanceMethod) {
        IRMethod method = new IRMethod(s, container, defNode.getName(), isInstanceMethod, defNode.getScope());

        // Build IR for arguments
        receiveArgs(defNode.getArgsNode(), method);

        // Build IR for body
        if (defNode.getBodyNode() != null) {
            Node bodyNode = defNode.getBodyNode();

            // if root of method is rescue, build as a light rescue
            Operand rv = (bodyNode instanceof RescueNode) ?  buildRescueInternal(bodyNode, method, null) : build(bodyNode, method);
            if (rv != null) method.addInstr(new ReturnInstr(rv));
        } else {
            method.addInstr(new ReturnInstr(Nil.NIL));

        return method;

    public Operand buildDefn(MethodDefNode node, IRScope s) { // Instance method
        Operand container = MetaObject.create(s.getNearestModule());
        IRMethod method = defineNewMethod(node, s, container, true);
        s.addInstr(new DefineInstanceMethodInstr(container, method));
        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildDefs(DefsNode node, IRScope s) { // Class method
        Operand container =  build(node.getReceiverNode(), s);
        IRMethod method = defineNewMethod(node, s, container, false);
        // ENEBO: Can all metaobjects be used for this?  closure?
        //if (container instanceof MetaObject) {
        //    ((IRModule) ((MetaObject) container).getScope()).addMethod(method);
        if (s.getLexicalParent() instanceof IRModule) {
        s.addInstr(new DefineClassMethodInstr(container, method));
        return Nil.NIL;

    // ENEBO: Since we are now targeting 1.9 semantics then it can be assumed that all
    // method parameters are now going to be local to this scope.
    public void receiveArgs(final ArgsNode argsNode, IRScope s) {
        final int required = argsNode.getRequiredArgsCount();
        final int opt = argsNode.getOptionalArgsCount();
        final int rest = argsNode.getRestArg();

        // FIXME: Add IR instructions for checking method arity!
        // s.getVariableCompiler().checkMethodArity(required, opt, rest);

            // self = args[0]
        s.addInstr(new ReceiveSelfInstruction(getSelf(s)));

            // Other args begin at index 0
        int argIndex = 0;

            // Both for fixed arity and variable arity methods
        ListNode preArgs  = argsNode.getPre();
        for (int i = 0; i < required; i++, argIndex++) {
            ArgumentNode a = (ArgumentNode)preArgs.get(i);
            // FIXME: Charlie added this to test something?
            if (a instanceof TypedArgumentNode) {
                TypedArgumentNode t = (TypedArgumentNode)a;
                s.addInstr(new DECLARE_LOCAL_TYPE_Instr(argIndex, buildType(t.getTypeNode())));
            s.addInstr(new ReceiveArgumentInstruction(s.getLocalVariable(a.getName()), argIndex));

            // IMPORTANT: Receive the block argument before the opt and splat args
            // This is so that the *arg can be encoded as 'rest of the array'.  This
            // won't work if the block argument hasn't been received yet!
        if (argsNode.getBlock() != null)
            s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureInstr(s.getLocalVariable(argsNode.getBlock().getName())));

            // Now for the rest
        if (opt > 0) {
            ListNode optArgs = argsNode.getOptArgs();
            for (int j = 0; j < opt; j++, argIndex++) {
                    // Jump to 'l' if this arg is not null.  If null, fall through and build the default value!
                Label l = s.getNewLabel();
                LocalAsgnNode n = (LocalAsgnNode)optArgs.get(j);
                Variable av = s.getLocalVariable(n.getName());
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveOptionalArgumentInstr(av, argIndex));
                s.addInstr(new BNEInstr(av, Nil.NIL, l)); // if 'av' is not null, go to default
                build(n, s);
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));

        if (rest > -1) {
            s.addInstr(new ReceiveArgumentInstruction(s.getLocalVariable(argsNode.getRestArgNode().getName()), argIndex, true));

        // FIXME: Ruby 1.9 post args code needs to come here

    public String buildType(Node typeNode) {
        switch (typeNode.getNodeType()) {
        case CONSTNODE:
            return ((ConstNode)typeNode).getName();
        case SYMBOLNODE:
            return ((SymbolNode)typeNode).getName();
            return "unknown_type";

    public Operand buildDot(final DotNode dotNode, IRScope s) {
        return new Range(build(dotNode.getBeginNode(), s), build(dotNode.getEndNode(), s), dotNode.isExclusive());

    public Operand buildDRegexp(DRegexpNode dregexpNode, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> strPieces = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        for (Node n : dregexpNode.childNodes())
            strPieces.add(build(n, s));

        return new Regexp(new CompoundString(strPieces), dregexpNode.getOptions());

    public Operand buildDStr(DStrNode dstrNode, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> strPieces = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        for (Node n : dstrNode.childNodes())
            strPieces.add(build(n, s));

        return new CompoundString(strPieces);

    public Operand buildDSymbol(Node node, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> strPieces = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        for (Node n : node.childNodes())
            strPieces.add(build(n, s));

        return new DynamicSymbol(new CompoundString(strPieces));

    public Operand buildDVar(DVarNode node, IRScope m) {
        return m.getLocalVariable(node.getName());

    public Operand buildDXStr(final DXStrNode dstrNode, IRScope m) {
        List<Operand> strPieces = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        for (Node nextNode : dstrNode.childNodes())
            strPieces.add(build(nextNode, m));

        return new BacktickString(strPieces);

    /* ****************************************************************
     * Consider the ensure-protected ruby code below:

             .. protected body ..
             .. eb code

       This ruby code is effectively rewritten into the following ruby code

            .. protected body ..
          rescue <any-exception-or-error> => e
            jump to eb-code, execute it, and come back here
            raise e
      which in IR looks like this:

            Exception region start marker
            ... IR for protected body ...
            Exception region end marker
            %v = L3       <--- skipped if the protected body had a return!
            .. IR for ensure block ..
            jump_indirect %v
          L10:            <--- dummy rescue block
            e = recv_exception
            %v = L11
            jump L2
            throw e
     * ****************************************************************/
    public Operand buildEnsureNode(Node node, IRScope m) {
        EnsureNode ensureNode = (EnsureNode)node;
        Node       bodyNode   = ensureNode.getBodyNode();

        // Push a new ensure block info node onto the stack of ensure block
        EnsureBlockInfo ebi = new EnsureBlockInfo(m);

        Label rBeginLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rEndLabel   = ebi.end;
        List<Label> rescueLabels = new ArrayList<Label>() { };

        // Start of region
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rBeginLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(rBeginLabel, rEndLabel, rescueLabels));

        // Generate IR for Code being protected
        Operand  rv = (bodyNode instanceof RescueNode) ? buildRescueInternal(bodyNode, m, rBeginLabel) : build(bodyNode, m);

        // End of protected region
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr());

        // Jump to start of ensure block -- dont bother if we had a return in the protected body
        if (rv != U_NIL)
            m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, rEndLabel));

        // Pop the current ensure block info node *BEFORE* generating the ensure code for this block itself!

        // Generate the ensure block now
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(ebi.start));

        // Two cases:
        // 1. Ensure block has no explicit return => the result of the entire ensure expression is the result of the protected body.
        // 2. Ensure block has an explicit return => the result of the protected body is ignored.
        Operand ensureRetVal = (ensureNode.getEnsureNode() == null) ? Nil.NIL : build(ensureNode.getEnsureNode(), m);
        if (ensureRetVal == null)   // null => there was a return from within the ensure block!
            rv = null;

        m.addInstr(new JUMP_INDIRECT_Instr(ebi.returnAddr));

        // Now build the dummy rescue block that:
        // * catches all exceptions thrown by the body
        // * jumps to the ensure block code
        // * returns back (via set_retaddr instr)
        // * rethrows the caught exception
        Label dummyRescueBlockLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rethrowExcLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Variable exc = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(dummyRescueBlockLabel));
        m.addInstr(new RECV_EXCEPTION_Instr(exc));
        m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, rethrowExcLabel));
        m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebi.start));
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rethrowExcLabel));
        m.addInstr(new THROW_EXCEPTION_Instr(exc));

        // End label for the exception region
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rEndLabel));

        return rv;

    public Operand buildEvStr(EvStrNode node, IRScope s) {
            // SSS: FIXME: Somewhere here, we need to record information the type of this operand as String
        return build(node.getBody(), s);

    public Operand buildFalse(Node node, IRScope s) {
        s.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());
        return BooleanLiteral.FALSE;

    public Operand buildFCall(FCallNode fcallNode, IRScope s) {
        Node          callArgsNode = fcallNode.getArgsNode();
        List<Operand> args         = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode, s);
        Operand       block        = setupCallClosure(fcallNode.getIterNode(), s);
        Variable      callResult   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Instr         callInstr    = new CallInstr(callResult, new MethAddr(fcallNode.getName()), getSelf(s), args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block);
        return callResult;

    private Operand setupCallClosure(Node node, IRScope s) {
        if (node == null)
            return null;

        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ITERNODE:
                return build((IterNode)node, s);
            case BLOCKPASSNODE:
                // SSS FIXME: We need to create a closure out of the named proc.
                //     Ex:
                // 1. if the value is a nil, pass a null block.
                // 2. if not a proc, call a toProc on it and pass it in
                //    (and, in cases where the object is a literal proc, the proc & toproc will cancel each other out!)
                // 3. if the value is a proc, pass it in.
                return build(((BlockPassNode)node).getBodyNode(), s);
                throw new NotCompilableException("ERROR: Encountered a method with a non-block, non-blockpass iter node at: " + node);

    public Operand buildFixnum(FixnumNode node, IRScope m) {
        return new Fixnum(node.getValue());

    public Operand buildFlip(Node node, IRScope m) {
        final FlipNode flipNode = (FlipNode) node;

        m.getVariableCompiler().retrieveLocalVariable(flipNode.getIndex(), flipNode.getDepth());

        if (flipNode.isExclusive()) {
            m.performBooleanBranch(new BranchCallback() {

                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                    build(flipNode.getEndNode(), m,true);
                    m.performBooleanBranch(new BranchCallback() {

                        public void branch(IRScope m) {
                            m.getVariableCompiler().assignLocalVariable(flipNode.getIndex(), flipNode.getDepth(), false);
                    }, new BranchCallback() {

                        public void branch(IRScope m) {
            }, new BranchCallback() {

                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                    build(flipNode.getBeginNode(), m,true);
                    m.getVariableCompiler().assignLocalVariable(flipNode.getIndex(), flipNode.getDepth(), true);
        } else {
            m.performBooleanBranch(new BranchCallback() {

                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                    build(flipNode.getEndNode(), m,true);
                    m.performBooleanBranch(new BranchCallback() {

                        public void branch(IRScope m) {
                            m.getVariableCompiler().assignLocalVariable(flipNode.getIndex(), flipNode.getDepth(), false);
                    }, new BranchCallback() {

                        public void branch(IRScope m) {
            }, new BranchCallback() {

                public void branch(IRScope m) {
                    build(flipNode.getBeginNode(), m,true);
                    m.performBooleanBranch(new BranchCallback() {

                        public void branch(IRScope m) {
                            build(flipNode.getEndNode(), m,true);
                            m.getVariableCompiler().assignLocalVariable(flipNode.getIndex(), flipNode.getDepth(), false);
                    }, new BranchCallback() {

                        public void branch(IRScope m) {
        // TODO: don't require pop
        if (!expr) m.consumeCurrentValue();

    private void becomeTrueOrFalse(IRScope m) {
        m.performBooleanBranch(new BranchCallback() {

                    public void branch(IRScope m) {
                }, new BranchCallback() {

                    public void branch(IRScope m) {

    private void flipTrueOrFalse(IRScope m) {
        m.performBooleanBranch(new BranchCallback() {

                    public void branch(IRScope m) {
                }, new BranchCallback() {

                    public void branch(IRScope m) {

    public Operand buildFloat(FloatNode node, IRScope m) {
        return new Float(node.getValue());

    public Operand buildFor(ForNode forNode, IRExecutionScope m) {
        Variable ret      = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Operand  receiver = build(forNode.getIterNode(), m);
        Operand  forBlock = buildForIter(forNode, m);    
        // SSS FIXME: Really?  Why the internal call?
        m.addInstr(new RubyInternalCallInstr(ret, MethAddr.FOR_EACH, receiver, NO_ARGS, forBlock));
        return ret;

    public Operand buildForIter(final ForNode forNode, IRExecutionScope s) {
            // Create a new closure context
        IRClosure closure = new IRClosure(s, forNode.getScope(), Arity.procArityOf(forNode.getVarNode()), forNode.getArgumentType());

            // Build args
        NodeType argsNodeId = null;
        if (forNode.getVarNode() != null) {
            argsNodeId = forNode.getVarNode().getNodeType();
            if (argsNodeId != null)
                buildBlockArgsAssignment(forNode.getVarNode(), closure, 0, false); // SSS: Changed this from 1 to 0

            // Build closure body and return the result of the closure
        Operand closureRetVal = forNode.getBodyNode() == null ? Nil.NIL : build(forNode.getBodyNode(), closure);
        if (closureRetVal != null// can be null if the node is an if node with returns in both branches.
            closure.addInstr(new ClosureReturnInstr(closureRetVal));

        return MetaObject.create(closure);

    public Operand buildGlobalAsgn(GlobalAsgnNode globalAsgnNode, IRScope m) {
        Operand value = build(globalAsgnNode.getValueNode(), m);
        m.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr(globalAsgnNode.getName(), value));
        return value;

    public Operand buildGlobalVar(GlobalVarNode node, IRScope m) {
        Variable rv  = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        m.addInstr(new GetGlobalVariableInstr(rv, node.getName()));
        return rv;

    public Operand buildHash(HashNode hashNode, IRScope m) {
        if (hashNode.getListNode() == null || hashNode.getListNode().size() == 0) {
            return new Hash(new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>());
        else {
            int     i     = 0;
            Operand key   = null;
            Operand value = null;
            List<KeyValuePair> args = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
            for (Node nextNode : hashNode.getListNode().childNodes()) {
                Operand v = build(nextNode, m);
                if (key == null) {
                    key = v;
                else {
                    args.add(new KeyValuePair(key, v));
                    key = null;
            return new Hash(args);

    // Translate "r = if (cond); .. thenbody ..; else; .. elsebody ..; end" to
    //     v = -- build(cond) --
    //     BEQ(v, FALSE, L1)
    //     r = -- build(thenbody) --
    //     jump L2
    // L1:
    //     r = -- build(elsebody) --
    // L2:
    //     --- r is the result of the if expression --
    public Operand buildIf(final IfNode ifNode, IRScope s) {
        Node actualCondition = skipOverNewlines(s, ifNode.getCondition());

        Variable result     = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Label    falseLabel = s.getNewLabel();
        Label    doneLabel  = s.getNewLabel();
        Operand  thenResult = null;
        s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(build(actualCondition, s), BooleanLiteral.FALSE, falseLabel));

        boolean thenNull = false;
        boolean elseNull = false;
        boolean thenUnil = false;
        boolean elseUnil = false;

        // Build the then part of the if-statement
        if (ifNode.getThenBody() != null) {
            thenResult = build(ifNode.getThenBody(), s);
            if (thenResult != U_NIL) { // thenResult can be U_NIL if then-body ended with a return!
                // Local optimization of break results to short-circuit the jump right away
                // rather than wait to do it during an optimization pass.
                Label tgt = doneLabel;
                if (thenResult instanceof BreakResult) {
                    BreakResult br = (BreakResult)thenResult;
                    thenResult = br._result;
                    tgt = br._jumpTarget;
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, thenResult));
                s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(tgt));
            else {
                thenUnil = true;
        else {
            thenNull = true;
            s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, Nil.NIL));
            s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(doneLabel));

        // Build the else part of the if-statement
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(falseLabel));
        if (ifNode.getElseBody() != null) {
            Operand elseResult = build(ifNode.getElseBody(), s);
            // elseResult can be U_NIL if then-body ended with a return!
            if (elseResult != U_NIL) {
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, elseResult));
            else {
                elseUnil = true;
        else {
            elseNull = true;
            s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, Nil.NIL));

        if (thenNull && elseNull) {
            return Nil.NIL;
        else if (thenUnil && elseUnil) {
            return U_NIL;
        else {
            s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(doneLabel));
            return result;

    public Operand buildInstAsgn(final InstAsgnNode instAsgnNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand val = build(instAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);
        // NOTE: if 's' happens to the a class, this is effectively an assignment of a class instance variable
        s.addInstr(new PutFieldInstr(getSelf(s), instAsgnNode.getName(), val));
        return val;

    public Operand buildInstVar(InstVarNode node, IRScope m) {
        Variable ret = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        m.addInstr(new GetFieldInstr(ret, getSelf(m), node.getName()));
        return ret;

    public Operand buildIter(final IterNode iterNode, IRExecutionScope s) {
        IRClosure closure = new IRClosure(s, iterNode.getScope(), Arity.procArityOf(iterNode.getVarNode()), iterNode.getArgumentType());

            // Build args
        NodeType argsNodeId = BlockBody.getArgumentTypeWackyHack(iterNode);
        if ((iterNode.getVarNode() != null) && (argsNodeId != null))
            buildBlockArgsAssignment(iterNode.getVarNode(), closure, 0, false)// SSS: Changed this from 1 to 0

            // Build closure body and return the result of the closure
        Operand closureRetVal = iterNode.getBodyNode() == null ? Nil.NIL : build(iterNode.getBodyNode(), closure);
        if (closureRetVal != U_NIL// can be U_NIL if the node is an if node with returns in both branches.
            closure.addInstr(new ClosureReturnInstr(closureRetVal));

        return MetaObject.create(closure);

    public Operand buildLiteral(LiteralNode literalNode, IRScope s) {
        return new StringLiteral(literalNode.getName());

    public Operand buildLocalAsgn(LocalAsgnNode localAsgnNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand value = build(localAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(s.getLocalVariable(localAsgnNode.getName()), value));

        return value;

    public Operand buildLocalVar(LocalVarNode node, IRScope s) {
        return s.getLocalVariable(node.getName());

    public Operand buildMatch(MatchNode matchNode, IRScope m) {
        Operand regexp = build(matchNode.getRegexpNode(), m);
        return generateJRubyUtilityCall(m, MethAddr.MATCH, regexp, NO_ARGS);

    public Operand buildMatch2(Match2Node matchNode, IRScope m) {
        Operand receiver = build(matchNode.getReceiverNode(), m);
        Operand value    = build(matchNode.getValueNode(), m);
        return generateJRubyUtilityCall(m, MethAddr.MATCH2, receiver, new Operand[]{value});

    public Operand buildMatch3(Match3Node matchNode, IRScope m) {
        Operand receiver = build(matchNode.getReceiverNode(), m);
        Operand value    = build(matchNode.getValueNode(), m);
        return generateJRubyUtilityCall(m, MethAddr.MATCH3, receiver, new Operand[]{value});

    private Operand getContainerFromCPath(Colon3Node cpath, IRScope s) {
        Operand container = null;

        if (cpath instanceof Colon2Node) {
            Node leftNode = ((Colon2Node) cpath).getLeftNode();
            if (leftNode != null) container = build(leftNode, s);
        } else {
            container = MetaObject.create(IRClass.getCoreClass("Object"));

        return container;

    public Operand buildModule(ModuleNode moduleNode, IRScope s) {
        Colon3Node cpath = moduleNode.getCPath();
        String moduleName = cpath.getName();
        Operand container = getContainerFromCPath(cpath, s);

        // Build the new module
        IRModule m = new IRModule(s, container, moduleName, moduleNode.getScope());
        s.getNearestModule().getRootMethod().addInstr(new DefineModuleInstr((ModuleMetaObject) MetaObject.create(m)));

        build(moduleNode.getBodyNode(), m.getRootMethod());

        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildMultipleAsgn(MultipleAsgnNode multipleAsgnNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand  values = build(multipleAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);
        Variable ret = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, values));
        buildMultipleAsgnAssignment(multipleAsgnNode, s, ret);
        return ret;

    public void buildMultipleAsgnAssignment(final MultipleAsgnNode multipleAsgnNode, IRScope s, Operand values) {
        final ListNode sourceArray = multipleAsgnNode.getHeadNode();

        // First, build assignments for specific named arguments
        int i = 0;
        if (sourceArray != null) {
            ListNode headNode = (ListNode) sourceArray;
            for (Node an: headNode.childNodes()) {
                if (values == null) {
                    buildBlockArgsAssignment(an, s, i, false); // SSS FIXME: Changed this from i+1 to i// Add 1 since 0 is self for argument processing
                } else {
                    buildAssignment(an, s, values, i, false);

        // First, build an assignment for a splat, if any, with the rest of the args!
        Node an = multipleAsgnNode.getArgsNode();
        if (an == null) {
            if (sourceArray == null)
                throw new NotCompilableException("Something's wrong, multiple assignment with no head or args at: " + multipleAsgnNode.getPosition());
        else if (an instanceof StarNode) {
            // do nothing
        else if (values != null) {
            buildAssignment(an, s, values, i, true); // rest of the argument array!
        else {
            buildBlockArgsAssignment(an, s, i, true); // rest of the argument array!


    public Operand buildNewline(NewlineNode node, IRScope s) {
        return build(skipOverNewlines(s, node), s);

    public Operand buildNext(final NextNode nextNode, IRExecutionScope s) {
        Operand rv = (nextNode.getValueNode() == null) ? Nil.NIL : build(nextNode.getValueNode(), s);
        // SSS FIXME: 1. Is the ordering correct? (poll before next)
        s.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());
        // If a closure, the next is simply a return from the closure!
        // If a regular loop, the next is simply a jump to the end of the iteration
        s.addInstr((s instanceof IRClosure) ? new ClosureReturnInstr(rv) : new JumpInstr(s.getCurrentLoop().iterEndLabel));
        return rv;

    public Operand buildNthRef(NthRefNode nthRefNode, IRScope m) {
        return new NthRef(nthRefNode.getMatchNumber());

    public Operand buildNil(Node node, IRScope m) {
        m.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());
        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildNot(NotNode node, IRScope m) {
        Variable ret = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        m.addInstr(new NotInstr(ret, build(node.getConditionNode(), m)));
        return ret;

    public Operand buildOpAsgn(OpAsgnNode opAsgnNode, IRScope s) {
        if (opAsgnNode.getOperatorName().equals("||") || opAsgnNode.getOperatorName().equals("&&")) {
            throw new NotCompilableException("Unknown node encountered in builder: " + opAsgnNode);
        // get attr
        Operand  v1 = build(opAsgnNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        Variable      getResult   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Instr callInstr = new CallInstr(getResult, new MethAddr(opAsgnNode.getVariableName()), v1,
                NO_ARGS, null);

        // call operator
        Operand  v2 = build(opAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);
        Variable      setValue   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        callInstr = new CallInstr(setValue, new MethAddr(opAsgnNode.getOperatorName()), getResult,
                new Operand[]{v2}, null);

        // set attr
        Variable      setResult   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        callInstr    = new CallInstr(setResult, new MethAddr(opAsgnNode.getVariableNameAsgn()),
                v1, new Operand[] {setValue}, null);

        return setResult;

    // Translate "x &&= y" --> "x = y if is_true(x)" -->
    //    x = -- build(x) should return a variable! --
    //    f = is_true(x)
    //    beq(f, false, L)
    //    x = -- build(y) --
    // L:
    public Operand buildOpAsgnAnd(OpAsgnAndNode andNode, IRScope s) {
        Label    l  = s.getNewLabel();
        Operand  v1 = build(andNode.getFirstNode(), s);
        Variable f  = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new IsTrueInstr(f, v1));
        s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(f, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, l));
        build(andNode.getSecondNode(), s)// This does the assignment!
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));
        s.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());
        return v1;

    // Translate "x ||= y" --> "x = (is_defined(x) && is_true(x) ? x : y)" -->
    //    v = -- build(x) should return a variable! --
    //    f = is_true(v)
    //    beq(f, true, L)
    //    -- build(x = y) --
    // L:
    public Operand buildOpAsgnOr(final OpAsgnOrNode orNode, IRScope s) {
        Label    l1 = s.getNewLabel();
        Label    l2 = null;
        Variable f = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Operand  v1;
        boolean  needsDefnCheck = needsDefinitionCheck(orNode.getFirstNode());
        if (needsDefnCheck) {
            l2 = s.getNewLabel();
            v1 = buildGetDefinitionBase(orNode.getFirstNode(), s);
            s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(v1, Nil.NIL, l2)); // if v1 is undefined, go to v2's computation
        v1 = build(orNode.getFirstNode(), s); // build of 'x'
        s.addInstr(new IsTrueInstr(f, v1));
        s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(f, BooleanLiteral.TRUE, l1))// if v1 is defined and true, we are done!
        if (needsDefnCheck) {
            s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l2));
        build(orNode.getSecondNode(), s); // This is an AST node that sets x = y, so nothing special to do here.
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l1));
        s.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());

        // Return value of x ||= y is always 'x'
        return v1;

     * Check whether the given node is considered always "defined" or whether it
     * has some form of definition check.
     * @param node Then node to check
     * @return Whether the type of node represents a possibly undefined construct
    private boolean needsDefinitionCheck(Node node) {
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
        case CONSTDECLNODE:
        case DASGNNODE:
        case GLOBALASGNNODE:
        case LOCALASGNNODE:
        case OPASGNNODE:
        case DVARNODE:
        case FALSENODE:
        case TRUENODE:
        case LOCALVARNODE:
        case MATCH2NODE:
        case MATCH3NODE:
        case NILNODE:
        case SELFNODE:
            // all these types are immediately considered "defined"
            return false;
            return true;

    public Operand buildOpElementAsgn(Node node, IRScope m) {
        final OpElementAsgnNode opElementAsgnNode = (OpElementAsgnNode) node;
        if (opElementAsgnNode.getOperatorName() == "||") {
            return buildOpElementAsgnWithOr(node, m);
        } else if (opElementAsgnNode.getOperatorName() == "&&") {
            return buildOpElementAsgnWithAnd(node, m);
        } else {
            return buildOpElementAsgnWithMethod(node, m);
    // Translate "a[x] ||= n" --> "a[x] = n if !is_true(a[x])"
    //    tmp = build(a) <-- receiver
    //    arg = build(x) <-- args
    //    val = buildCall([], tmp, arg)
    //    f = is_true(val)
    //    beq(f, true, L)
    //    val = build(n) <-- val
    //    buildCall([]= tmp, arg, val)
    // L:
    public Operand buildOpElementAsgnWithOr(Node node, IRScope s) {
        final OpElementAsgnNode opElementAsgnNode = (OpElementAsgnNode) node;
        Operand array = build(opElementAsgnNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        Label    l     = s.getNewLabel();
        Variable elt   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Variable flag  = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        List<Operand> args = setupCallArgs(opElementAsgnNode.getArgsNode(), s);
        // SSS FIXME: Verify with Tom that I am not missing something here
        assert args.size() == 1;
        Operand  index = args.get(0);
        s.addInstr(new CallInstr(elt, new MethAddr("[]"), array, new Operand[] { index }, null));
        s.addInstr(new IsTrueInstr(flag, elt));
        s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(flag, BooleanLiteral.TRUE, l));
        Operand value = build(opElementAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new CallInstr(elt, new MethAddr("[]="), array, new Operand[] { index, value }, null));
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(elt, value));
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));
        return elt;

    // Translate "a[x] &&= n" --> "a[x] = n if is_true(a[x])"
    public Operand buildOpElementAsgnWithAnd(Node node, IRScope s) {
        final OpElementAsgnNode opElementAsgnNode = (OpElementAsgnNode) node;
        Operand array = build(opElementAsgnNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        Label    l     = s.getNewLabel();
        Variable elt   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Variable flag  = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        List<Operand> args = setupCallArgs(opElementAsgnNode.getArgsNode(), s);
        // SSS FIXME: Verify with Tom that I am not missing something here
        assert args.size() == 1;
        Operand  index = args.get(0);
        s.addInstr(new CallInstr(elt, new MethAddr("[]"), array, new Operand[] { index }, null));
        s.addInstr(new IsTrueInstr(flag, elt));
        s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(flag, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, l));
        Operand value = build(opElementAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new CallInstr(elt, new MethAddr("[]="), array, new Operand[] { index, value }, null));
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(elt, value));
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));
        return elt;

    // a[i] *= n, etc.  anything that is not "a[i] &&= .. or a[i] ||= .."
    //    arr = build(a) <-- receiver
    //    arg = build(x) <-- args
    //    elt = buildCall([], arr, arg)
    //    val = build(n) <-- val
    //    val = buildCall(METH, elt, val)
    //    val = buildCall([]=, arr, arg, val)
    public Operand buildOpElementAsgnWithMethod(Node node, IRScope s) {
        final OpElementAsgnNode opElementAsgnNode = (OpElementAsgnNode) node;

        Operand array = build(opElementAsgnNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        List<Operand> args = setupCallArgs(opElementAsgnNode.getArgsNode(), s);
        // SSS FIXME: Verify with Tom that I am not missing something here
        assert args.size() == 1;
        Operand  index = args.get(0);
        Variable elt   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new CallInstr(elt, new MethAddr("[]"), array, new Operand[] { index }, null));         // elt = a[index]
        Operand value = build(opElementAsgnNode.getValueNode(), s);                                       // Load 'value'
        String  operation = opElementAsgnNode.getOperatorName();
        s.addInstr(new CallInstr(elt, new MethAddr(operation), elt, new Operand[] { value }, null));      // elt = elt.OPERATION(value)
        // SSS: do not load the call result into 'elt' to eliminate the RAW dependency on the call
        // We already know what the result is going be .. we are just storing it back into the array
        Variable tmp = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new CallInstr(tmp, new MethAddr("[]="), array, new Operand[] { index, elt }, null));   // a[index] = elt
        return elt;

    // Translate ret = (a || b) to ret = (a ? true : b) as follows
    //    v1 = -- build(a) --
    //       OPT: ret can be set to v1, but effectively v1 is true if we take the branch to L.
    //            while this info can be inferred by using attributes, why bother if we can do this?
    //    ret = v1
    //    beq(v1, true, L)
    //    v2 = -- build(b) --
    //    ret = v2
    // L:
    public Operand buildOr(final OrNode orNode, IRScope m) {
        if (orNode.getFirstNode().getNodeType().alwaysTrue()) {
            // build first node only and return true
            return build(orNode.getFirstNode(), m);
        } else if (orNode.getFirstNode().getNodeType().alwaysFalse()) {
            // build first node as non-expr and build second node
            build(orNode.getFirstNode(), m);
            return build(orNode.getSecondNode(), m);
        } else {
            Variable ret = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            Label    l   = m.getNewLabel();
            Operand  v1  = build(orNode.getFirstNode(), m);
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, v1));
            m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(v1, BooleanLiteral.TRUE, l));
            Operand  v2  = build(orNode.getSecondNode(), m);
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, v2));
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));
            return ret;

    public Operand buildPostExe(Node node, IRScope m) {
        final PostExeNode postExeNode = (PostExeNode) node;

        // create the closure class and instantiate it
        final CompilerCallback closureBody = new CompilerCallback() {

                    public void call(IRScope m) {
                        if (postExeNode.getBodyNode() != null) {
                            build(postExeNode.getBodyNode(), m, true);
                        } else {

    public Operand buildPreExe(Node node, IRScope m) {
        final PreExeNode preExeNode = (PreExeNode) node;

        // create the closure class and instantiate it
        final CompilerCallback closureBody = new CompilerCallback() {

                    public void call(IRScope m) {
                        if (preExeNode.getBodyNode() != null) {
                            build(preExeNode.getBodyNode(), m,true);
                        } else {
        m.runBeginBlock(preExeNode.getScope(), closureBody);

    public Operand buildRedo(Node node, IRExecutionScope s) {
        // For closures, a redo is a jump to the beginning of the closure
        // For non-closures, a redo is a jump to the beginning of the loop
        s.addInstr(new JumpInstr((s instanceof IRClosure) ? ((IRClosure)s).startLabel : s.getCurrentLoop().iterStartLabel));
        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildRegexp(RegexpNode reNode, IRScope m) {
        return new Regexp(new StringLiteral(reNode.getValue()), reNode.getOptions());

    public Operand buildRescue(Node node, IRScope m) {
        return buildRescueInternal(node, m, null);

    private Operand buildRescueInternal(Node node, IRScope m, Label availableBeginLabel) {
        final RescueNode rescueNode = (RescueNode) node;
        boolean noEnsure    = _ensureBlockStack.empty();
        EnsureBlockInfo ebi = noEnsure ? null : _ensureBlockStack.peek();

        // Labels marking start, else, end of the begin-rescue(-ensure)-end block
        Label   rBeginLabel = availableBeginLabel != null ? availableBeginLabel : m.getNewLabel()
        Label   rEndLabel   = noEnsure ? m.getNewLabel() : ebi.end;
        Label   elseLabel   = rescueNode.getElseNode() == null ? null : m.getNewLabel();

        // Only generate the label instruction if we weren't passed in a label
        // Optimization to eliminate extra labels in begin-rescue-ensure-end code
        if (availableBeginLabel == null)
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rBeginLabel));

        // Placeholder rescue instruction that tells rest of the compiler passes the boundaries of the rescue block.
        List<Label> rescueBlockLabels = new ArrayList<Label>();
        ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr rbStartInstr = new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(rBeginLabel, rEndLabel, rescueBlockLabels);

        // Body
        Operand tmp = Nil.NIL;  // default return value if for some strange reason, we neither have the body node or the else node!
        Variable rv = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        if (rescueNode.getBodyNode() != null)
            tmp = build(rescueNode.getBodyNode(), m);

        // Else part of the body -- we simply fall through from the main body if there were no exceptions
        if (elseLabel != null) {
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(elseLabel));
            tmp = build(rescueNode.getElseNode(), m);

        if (tmp != U_NIL) {
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, tmp));

            // No explicit return from the protected body
            // - If we dont have any ensure blocks, simply jump to the end of the rescue block
            // - If we do, get the innermost ensure block, set up the return address to the end of the ensure block, and go execute the ensure code.
            if (noEnsure) {
                m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(rEndLabel));
            else {
                // NOTE: rEndLabel is identical to ebi.end, but less confusing to use rEndLabel since that makes more semantic sense
                m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, rEndLabel));
                m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebi.start));
        else {
            // If the body had an explicit return, the return instruction IR build takes care of setting
            // up execution of all necessary ensure blocks.  So, nothing to do here! 
            // Additionally, the value in 'rv' will never be used, so need to set it to any specific value.
            // So, we can leave it undefined.  If on the other hand, there was an exception in that block,
            // 'rv' will get set in the rescue handler -- see the 'rv' being passed into
            // buildRescueBodyInternal below.  So, in either case, we are good!

        // Since rescued regions are well nested within Ruby, this bare marker is sufficient to
        // let us discover the edge of the region during linear traversal of instructions during cfg construction.
        ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr rbEndInstr = new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr();

        // Build the actual rescue block(s)
        Label rbLabel = m.getNewLabel(); // Label marking start of the first rescue code.
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rbLabel));
        buildRescueBodyInternal(m, rescueNode.getRescueNode(), rv, rEndLabel, rescueBlockLabels);

        // End label -- only if there is no ensure block!  With an ensure block, you end at ensureEndLabel.
        if (noEnsure)
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rEndLabel));

        return rv;

    private void buildRescueBodyInternal(IRScope m, Node node, Variable rv, Label endLabel, List<Label> rescueBlockLabels) {
        final RescueBodyNode rescueBodyNode = (RescueBodyNode) node;
        final Node exceptionList = rescueBodyNode.getExceptionNodes();

        // Load exception & exception comparison type
        Variable exc = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        m.addInstr(new RECV_EXCEPTION_Instr(exc));
        // SSS: FIXME: Is this correct?
        // Compute all elements of the exception array eagerly
//        Operand excType = (exceptionList == null) ? null : build(exceptionList, m);

        // Compare and branch as necessary!
        Label uncaughtLabel = null;
        if (exceptionList != null) {
            uncaughtLabel = m.getNewLabel();
            Variable eqqResult = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            for (Node excType : ((ListNode) exceptionList).childNodes()) {
                m.addInstr(new EQQInstr(eqqResult, build(excType, m), exc));
                m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(eqqResult, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, uncaughtLabel));

        // Caught exception case -- build rescue body
        Node realBody = skipOverNewlines(m, rescueBodyNode.getBodyNode());
        Operand x = build(realBody, m);
        if (x != U_NIL) { // can be U_NIL if the rescue block has an explicit return
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, x));
            // Jump to end of rescue block since we've caught and processed the exception
            if (!_ensureBlockStack.empty()) {
                EnsureBlockInfo ebi = _ensureBlockStack.peek();
                m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, endLabel));
                m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebi.start));
            else {
                m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(endLabel));

        // Uncaught exception -- build other rescue nodes or rethrow!
        if (uncaughtLabel != null) {
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(uncaughtLabel));
            if (rescueBodyNode.getOptRescueNode() != null) {
                buildRescueBodyInternal(m, rescueBodyNode.getOptRescueNode(), rv, endLabel, rescueBlockLabels);
            } else {
                m.addInstr(new THROW_EXCEPTION_Instr(exc));

    public Operand buildRetry(Node node, IRScope s) {
        // JRuby only supports retry when present in rescue blocks!
        // 1.9 doesn't support retry anywhere else.
        s.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());

        // Jump back to the innermost rescue block
        // We either find it, or we add code to throw a runtime exception
        if (_rescueBlockLabelStack.empty()) {
            StringLiteral exc = new StringLiteral("retry found outside of rescue clause!");
            s.addInstr(new THROW_EXCEPTION_Instr(exc));
        else {
            s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(_rescueBlockLabelStack.peek()));
        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildReturn(ReturnNode returnNode, IRScope m) {
        Operand retVal = (returnNode.getValueNode() == null) ? Nil.NIL : build(returnNode.getValueNode(), m);
        // Before we return, have to go execute all the ensure blocks
        if (!_ensureBlockStack.empty())
            EnsureBlockInfo.emitJumpChain(m, _ensureBlockStack);
        m.addInstr(new ReturnInstr(retVal));

        // The value of the return itself in the containing expression can never be used because of control-flow reasons.
        // The expression that uses this result can never be executed beyond this point and hence the value itself is just
        // a placeholder operand.
        return UnexecutableNil.U_NIL;

    public IRScope buildRoot(RootNode rootNode) {
        String file = rootNode.getPosition().getFile();
        StaticScope staticScope = rootNode.getStaticScope();

        // Top-level script!
        IRScript script = new IRScript("__file__", file, rootNode.getStaticScope());
        IRClass  rootClass = script.getRootClass();
        IRMethod rootMethod = rootClass.getRootMethod();

        // Debug info: record file name
        rootMethod.addInstr(new FilenameInstr(file));

        // add a "self" recv here
        // TODO: is this right?
        rootMethod.addInstr(new ReceiveSelfInstruction(getSelf(rootMethod)));

        build(rootNode.getBodyNode(), rootMethod);

        return script;

    private Variable getSelf(IRScope s) {
        return ((IRExecutionScope)s).getSelf();

    public Operand buildSelf(Node node, IRScope s) {
        return getSelf(s);

    public Operand buildSplat(SplatNode splatNode, IRScope s) {
        return new Splat(build(splatNode.getValue(), s));

    public Operand buildStr(StrNode strNode, IRScope s) {
        return new StringLiteral(strNode.getValue());

    public Operand buildSuper(SuperNode superNode, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> args  = setupCallArgs(superNode.getArgsNode(), s);
        Operand       block = setupCallClosure(superNode.getIterNode(), s);
        Variable      ret   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new RubyInternalCallInstr(ret, MethAddr.SUPER, getSelf(s),
                args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block));
        return ret;

    public Operand buildSValue(SValueNode node, IRScope s) {
        return new SValue(build(node.getValue(), s));

    public Operand buildSymbol(SymbolNode node, IRScope s) {
        return new Symbol(node.getName());

    public Operand buildToAry(ToAryNode node, IRScope s) {
        // FIXME: Two possibilities
        // 1. Make this a TO_ARY IR instruction to enable optimization
        // 2. Alternatively make this a regular call which would be subject to inlining
        //    if these utility methods are implemented as ruby ir code.
        Operand  array = build(node.getValue(), s);
        return generateJRubyUtilityCall(s, MethAddr.TO_ARY, array, NO_ARGS);

    public Operand buildTrue(Node node, IRScope m) {
        m.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());
        return BooleanLiteral.TRUE;

    public Operand buildUndef(Node node, IRScope m) {
        Operand methName = build(((UndefNode) node).getName(), m);
        return generateJRubyUtilityCall(m, MethAddr.UNDEF_METHOD, methName, NO_ARGS);

    private Operand buildConditionalLoop(IRExecutionScope s, Node conditionNode, Node bodyNode, boolean isWhile, boolean isLoopHeadCondition)
        if (isLoopHeadCondition && (   (isWhile && conditionNode.getNodeType().alwaysFalse())
                                    || (!isWhile && conditionNode.getNodeType().alwaysTrue())))
            // we won't enter the loop -- just build the condition node
            build(conditionNode, s);
            return Nil.NIL;
        else {
            IRLoop loop = new IRLoop(s);
            s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(loop.loopStartLabel));

            if (isLoopHeadCondition) {
                Operand cv = build(conditionNode, s);
                s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(cv, isWhile ? BooleanLiteral.FALSE : BooleanLiteral.TRUE, loop.loopEndLabel));
            s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(loop.iterStartLabel));

            // Looks like while can be treated as an expression!
            // So, capture the result of the body so that it can be returned.
            Variable whileResult = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            if (bodyNode != null) {
                Operand v = build(bodyNode, s);
                if (v != U_NIL) {
                    s.addInstr(new CopyInstr((Variable)whileResult, v));
                else {
                    // If the body of the while had an explicit return, the value in 'whileResult' will never be used.
                    // So, we dont need to set it to anything.  We can leave it undefined!

                // SSS FIXME: Is this correctly placed ... at the end of the loop iteration?
            s.addInstr(new ThreadPollInstr());

            s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(loop.iterEndLabel));
            if (isLoopHeadCondition) {
                // Issue a jump back to the head of the while loop
                s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(loop.loopStartLabel));
            else {
                Operand cv = build(conditionNode, s);
                s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(cv, isWhile ? BooleanLiteral.TRUE : BooleanLiteral.FALSE, loop.iterStartLabel));

            s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(loop.loopEndLabel));

            return whileResult;

    public Operand buildUntil(final UntilNode untilNode, IRExecutionScope s) {
        return buildConditionalLoop(s, untilNode.getConditionNode(), untilNode.getBodyNode(), false, untilNode.evaluateAtStart());

    // SSS FIXME: Got a little lazy?  We could/should define a special instruction ALIAS_GLOBAL_VAR_Instr probably
    // Is this a ruby-internals or a jruby-internals call?
    public Operand buildVAlias(Node node, IRScope m) {
        VAliasNode valiasNode = (VAliasNode) node;
        Operand[] args = new Operand[] { new StringLiteral(valiasNode.getOldName()) };
        m.addInstr(new RubyInternalCallInstr(null, MethAddr.GVAR_ALIAS, new StringLiteral(valiasNode.getNewName()), args));
        return Nil.NIL;

    public Operand buildVCall(VCallNode node, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> args       = new ArrayList<Operand>(); args.add(getSelf(s));
        Variable      callResult = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Instr         callInstr  = new CallInstr(callResult, new MethAddr(node.getName()), getSelf(s), NO_ARGS, null);
        return callResult;

    public Operand buildWhile(final WhileNode whileNode, IRExecutionScope s) {
        return buildConditionalLoop(s, whileNode.getConditionNode(), whileNode.getBodyNode(), true, whileNode.evaluateAtStart());

    public Operand buildXStr(XStrNode node, IRScope m) {
        return new BacktickString(new StringLiteral(node.getValue()));

    private List<Operand> setupYieldArgs(Node args, IRScope s) {
        List<Operand> argsList = new ArrayList<Operand>();
        if (args != null) {
           // unwrap newline nodes to get their actual type
           args = skipOverNewlines(s, args);
           buildArgs(argsList, args, s);

        return argsList;

    public Operand buildYield(YieldNode node, IRScope s) {
        Variable ret = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new YieldInstr(ret, build(node.getArgsNode(), s)));
        return ret;

    public Operand buildZArray(Node node, IRScope m) {
       return new Array();

    public Operand buildZSuper(ZSuperNode zsuperNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand    block = setupCallClosure(zsuperNode.getIterNode(), s);
        Variable   ret   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new RubyInternalCallInstr(ret, MethAddr.ZSUPER, getSelf(s),
                ((IRExecutionScope) s).getClosestMethodAncestor().getCallArgs(), block));
        return ret;

    public void buildArgsCatArguments(List<Operand> args, ArgsCatNode argsCatNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand v1 = build(argsCatNode.getFirstNode(), s);
        Operand v2 = build(argsCatNode.getSecondNode(), s);
        args.add(new CompoundArray(v1, v2));

    public void buildArgsPushArguments(List<Operand> args, ArgsPushNode argsPushNode, IRScope m) {
        Operand a = new Array(new Operand[]{ build(argsPushNode.getFirstNode(), m), build(argsPushNode.getSecondNode(), m) });

    public void buildArrayArguments(List<Operand> args, Node node, IRScope s) {
        // SSS FIXME: Where does this go?
        // m.setLinePosition(arrayNode.getPosition());
        args.add(buildArray(node, s));

    public void buildSplatArguments(List<Operand> args, SplatNode node, IRScope s) {
        args.add(buildSplat(node, s));

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